Clan Montgomery Society

  About Clan Montgomery  

History  |   Symbols  |   Migrations  |   Bylaws

We have added strength to many nations since our Viking ancestors landed in Normandy and called themselves Montgomerys. Now Clan Montgomery Society International serves as a focal point for all who share an interest in one of the oldest family names in the English speaking world. Whatever your interest, whether it's genealogy, family lore, history, or the fun of Scottish Games and gatherings, CMSI has a spot for you. Here's a sampler of our activities:

Newsletter. The Gardien, an award-winning quarterly newsletter with articles on Montgomery history, genealogy, CMSI activities, and member news.

Genealogy. A popular online genealogy database with files and photos of members and their kin.

Clan Tents. Sponsorship of CMSI tents at Scottish Festivals and Games.

Contacts. Get to know Montgomerys throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and abroad. Visit Clan Montgomery Society International on Facebook.

Tours. Walk the footsteps of Montgomerys through the centuries.

Follow your Montgomery motto: Gardez Bien!  (Watch Well)

You'll find in Clan Montgomery enough enthusiasm to keep us going strong for another thousand years!

E-mail the webmaster to share your news with Clan Montgomery!